M2C Branding Identity


M2C 成立於2020年,由一群熱愛攀岩運動文化的台灣設計師所創立的戶外風格品牌。 M2C 致力於探索與攀岩相關的任何事物,專注於設計細節,並以詼諧玩味的手法,為攀岩族群打造獨樹一格的裝備與日常服飾配件。 攀岩,沒有標準答案。一條路線常有數種解法,M2C和你一起,探索更多的可能!


The outdoor-style brand M2C( @m2climbing ) was created in 2020 by a group of Taiwanese designers who were also avid enthusiasts of climbing culture.

M2C is committed to exploring all things related to climbing. We are obsessed with the details of designs. Our distinctive equipment and daily clothing accessories that we make for the climbing community are a result of our thoughtful and playful approach to design.

In climbing, there is no "right answer". One climbing route can have multiple solutions. M2C hopes to explore possibilities with you!